• Timings : 10 AM - 2 PM & 5 PM to 7 PM, Mon - Sat

What to expect from a Tarot card reading and what not to?

Sitting on a coffee table with a friend and you notice something unusual. Never seen your friend before with a strange deck of cards and this makes you wonder what they were for? 99% of the chances are they were Tarot cards. Tarot Cards is an interesting and thrilling way to get an extrasensory insight.

For starters, Tarot is a deck of 78 cards having pictures of esoteric and ancient symbols. The language of the subconscious mind is represented by symbols. In Tarot- the cards are basically an instrument which can be used to tune in and understand the energies in the past, those existing in the present and energies which will develop in the future.

The deck of cards is distributed in 22 major arcana and 56 minor arcana. The meaning of the word Arcanum is “secret”. It is often believed that the soul takes a physical body to experience. The first card in major arcana is the fool and is numbered as 0.

The 21 cards that follow it are known as the fools’ journey as they describe the 21 lessons or experiences that each soul needs to learn and understand on its journey through various life forms. Reading a major arcana card will hold important messages that need to understand in that current situation or in the current lifetime of that particular individual.

On the other hand the minor cards have 4 suits (wands, swords, cups and pentacles) and each suit has 14 cards. The number of physical manifestation is represented by the number 4. Therefore, the four suits represent the four life making elements.

Our lives are a play of the interaction of these elements whether it is physical elements including fire, air, water and earth or the experiential elements that of action, intellect, emotions and body. The day to day life situations for us is read by minor suits.

One of the oldest forms of fortune telling known to man is Tarot. The decks of cards are used by someone who is skilled in reading them. The Reader will consult the cards to get guidance for what you need to know, depending on the type of reading that one wants to have. Since 15th century, the Tarot cards have been into existence and they are still one of the worlds’ most common ways of divining into the future.

However, having said that, often when one walks in the Tarot card reading session, they don’t know what to really expect? One generally moves through a beaded curtain where the candles are lit in a room and one is seated in a comfy velvet chair.

The reader sits across you and hands you over the deck of cards which is larger than you thought it would be and as you wrap your hands around it, you notice that the edges are a bit frayed. You then wonder what the cards might have to say about your future. You hand the deck back to the reader and the Tarot reading session begins. You feel as if your entire future is in her hands.

Tarot is similar to a mirror which actually reflects what is already inside us and around us. Many a time, we can’t see or understand what is happening with and around us primarily because either we are too involved or our reflecting power or our mirror is covered in dust and biases which restrict us from seeing things clearly.

Tarot helps us to clearly show us our life without any pre-existing conceptions and prejudices and makes us see life as it is- good, bad, happy or sad. This is so because we can change the situation to make it suit our need by taking a suitable action provided we have the power to comprehend our surrounding.

During the Tarot card reading session, the reader first typically shuffle the deck well alongside they concentrate on you or the question that you are seeking an answer for. They cut the deck and then begin the reading by laying out a certain number of cards. The number usually depends on what type of reading that you are having and is mostly an odd number, although some use even numbers in certain readings.

As the reader flips the cards, they will tell you what the cards signify and what this could possibly mean for you. Cards belonging to the ‘major arcana’ like the fool have very specific meanings that could mean something for your future. Similarly, cards from the ‘minor arcana’ like the Ten of Cups could possibly have a more broad meaning. These cards can also accent each other and have different meanings when put together.

In order to benefit from a reading, you don’t necessarily have to believe in it. It’s mostly the cards that will make a believer out of you. It’s often contested but till date no one has really been able to explain why the cards are capable to divine the future. It is believed that mostly it is in the hands of someone who knows how to use them that leads to our answers. The reader must be experienced in Tarot and feels that their deck speaks to them directly.

However, if one hasn’t been for a Tarot card reading session, they have the stereotypical understanding of the room just like it has been mentioned above. Having said that most Tarot readers are people who use Tarot cards as a practical guide to help you create your own future.


What to expect in a Tarot reading:

  • The reader will always treat you with respect, friendliness and kindness.
  • The reader will always have a sincere desire to heal you.
  • You will not be judged or questioned; this will allow you to share your thoughts with the reader in an unbiased manner.
  • Most importantly, there will be complete confidentiality.
  • Before starting the session, reader will always explain to you how will they read and answer the questions.
  • Some readers allow you to even record your sessions.
  • The reader will make you explain that you are in control of your situation and therefore if something negative comes, they will help you find solutions and strategies to overcome that.
  • In the end, it’s all about empowering the person seeking answers.

What not to expect:

  • Don’t expect 100% accuracy as a reader can only see what is reflected based on your current circumstances.
  • The reader will not blame your circumstances on any curse.
  • They will never judge or question your decisions.
  • Don’t expect your reader to dress up in costume. The readers are everyday normal people.
  • They don’t read minds.
  • You can come at your own will and an ethical reader will never force you to come for a Tarot card reading session.

The Tarot readings are neither a magic bullet nor a foolproof almanac to forecast the future.

One such Tarot reader, Garima Goyal who does Tarot Card reading sessions in Gurgaon for whom the linking with the universal brain began in 2004 with Reiki and was tailed by Tarot and Crystals. My journey as Tarot card reader in Gurgaon, started with refining my material side of life, job, kids, house to live in and health but slowly the expedition moved onto thoughtful understandings about the workings of the mind, body and soul. I regularly conduct Tarot card reading session and learning courses in Gurgaon. I work by prior appointments.

Tarot Card reading sessions always laid importance on the fact that if Tarot is a form of psychic reading that one feels close to, they should have a reading done at least once during the four major seasons of the year.

5 Reasons to go in for a Tarot Card Reading

Who does not wish to know that what does the future holds for us. We always go for options like fortune-telling, palmistry and many more of the same sort. While we go for such options we miss out on an extraordinary method which is; ‘tarot card reading’, a tarot card reading is an insight on all three realms of time, the past, the present and the future.

If you wish to seek an insight on the possible outcome of a situation, an appropriate time to execute your plans or you are wondering what does the stars hold for you in the matter of job, love and friendship or perhaps you wish to make a change in a present situation in general then all your answers are hidden at one station, Tarot for All by Garima. So if you seek answers to any of the questions above then make a stop today at the Tarot for All and get a reading for yourself.

What is Tarot?

A tarot is a deck of pictorial cards with a total of 78 cards. The person seeking the tarot reading is made to draw a fixed number of cards and based on the cards drawn there can be two major things which a person can expect from a tarot card reading; answer to a question, or an open reading.

When looking for an answer to specific query one needs to appreciate that any future telling technique is based on probability. Tarot cards are a very reliable way to know about a time frame of next 2 years in our lives.

The readings can be made in the minutest details. The cards can provide very vital inputs in decision making, they can pinpoint the exact factors which can come as opportunities and blocks. Even before the querent has spoken, the cards can tell about the past events and present events in his life.

Once the reader is able to speak about these past and present events, he can predict the future with a reasonable accuracy. When you go for an open reading then you are expecting the reading to address a greater aspect of your life such as an event like marriage, a new phase or job or any message which the universe is wanting to bring to you.

A tarot reader would read by tuning in to your energy body. Approach the reading with a calm and open mind so that you can accept the messages from the cards than simply sticking to your old thought patterns. Otherwise, in the end, you shall receive an insight only on what outcomes you were thinking about rather than knowing something fresh.

Basically clear your mind about the questions you want to be answered and let the cards do their job.
Below is a list of five major reasons for which a person can go for a tarot card reading.

When life becomes directionless and you feel stuck at a point.

Career problems, financial problems, an illness or a dispute; at several points our lives we are dealing with problems that affect the other activities of our life. Sometimes we get disheartened by a certain loss like; loss of property or separation from a closed one and the list of problems are unending.

Basically whenever we find ourselves stuck in a situation or a phase of our life from which we want to get out or move on but fail to seek help and figure out suitable measures to do so, then we can try to seek help through a tarot card reading.

A tarot reading effectively tries to figure out what is exactly wrong with you presently and will also tell you about the unfinished business which is keeping you stuck in a current situation. It also helps you by suggesting new directions to explore in your life.

When you are starting, a new phase of life.

We all want change in our lives, change is necessary as it takes the monotony away from our lives. We all need a significant event like new year, birthday, moving to a new place, joining a new job, getting married or engaged, or starting a new business. Whenever people feel they are moving into a new phase in their lives they wish to have a tarot reading, as it might be able to suggest to you about the new changes that are coming. Moreover, it gives a sort of security by giving an idea to the person about what he may encounter in the future. People should consider getting a tarot card reading especially when they are about to start a new venture because people are always excited and equally terrified on the start of something new, in this case, a tarot card reading can give them an idea about their own situations of the future and help them in dealing effectively as they will be prepared beforehand.

Wishing to make changes in your personality?

The moment when you decide to think more carefully about yourself, when you are trying to make changes in your own personality or start to make a life decision then a tarot reading can be a wonderful starting point. It will reveal about all the spheres you need to work upon in order to get the desired change you need in your own personality. Besides that, it will give also you a general idea on the things you need to currently focus on such as a certain trait or skill of yours. Tarot reading helps by suggesting you about which sphere to focus on and bring out the best in your personality.

Want to make a major life decision then go for a tarot reading today.

When going for a tarot reading do not expect it to make a decision for you. What exactly a tarot reading does in decision making matters is that it gives you an insight on the possible outcomes of a certain major decision you are trying to make. A reading will highlight for you the most important issues that you should take into consideration. Who does not wish to know that what the future holds for us and a tarot reading explores the same for us.. Tarot reading holds the power to predict the possible outcome of a certain decision. So when you have a chance to get an idea of what may occur after you have made an important decision then you should definitely consider going for a tarot card reading.

Are you tired of struggling? There is a way to help you get out of it.

A constant struggle with a certain part of your life that needs a new insight can make use of a tarot card reading. Tarot reading is a very effective method to receive new insight, perspective and a third eye view on an old situation.

Sometimes we lose the ability to look upon things from a new perspective especially when we have been trying to struggle with it; we always miss out on certain things of a situation. A problem with your current job, your love life, health issues; all these problems bring you in a morose state and you wish to get out of it by any means and tarot is there to provide you that means of resolving a certain problem.

Once you get a tarot reading it will reveal exactly where you went wrong or perhaps a certain point you must have missed that could have been a help to you.

If you want to get a tarot card reading in Gurgaon then ‘tarot for all ’is your best option. Ms. Garima Goyal, a renowned tarot card reader from tarot for all gives her clients the readings they seek along with simple solutions to the issues.

She has years of experience in her job and will help you in guiding the best way out. She also has a team of many students who are now all independent practicing tarot readers themselves.

Is it easy to learn to read Tarot Cards?

What is Tarot card reading?

Divination has many forms and one of them is Tarot card reading. It predicts outcomes to events, decisions and problems and assesses influences surrounding a person, an event or both of them. Taromancy is the official term used for Tarot reading (forecast through the use of Tarot cards), which is a subpart of cartomancy (forecast through cards in general.

Predicting Future through Tarot cards

The people who predict future using any technique know that that the future is not predetermined to a large extent and is rather fluid and so the prediction of future events is always a probability.
So, Tarot reading is a reading about what might be the possible outcomes in the future and what might be the factors influencing them. There might be even some influences which the person might not even be aware of.

Tarot reading aids a person with additional information to make better and more informed choices. It acts as another field of research but it should not be seen as any guarantee of absolute outcomes.

Tarot Reading

A traditional Tarot deck consists of 78 cards that are majorly categorised into two- minor and major arcana.
The minor Arcana hold a similarity to the regular deck of playing cards. These are further divided into suits, with each suit having one card from 1 through 10. It also includes pip/ court cards which are referred to as page, knight, queen and king.

The major Arcana are all stand-alone cards with their own unique meanings. These include cards like the Devil, Strength, The Hanged Man, The Fool, Temperance and Death.

The cards are divided this way so as to know the about major and minor energies which impact the situation. The cards consist of vivid pictures which involve ancient spiritual symbols from cultures around the world. Certain numbers of cards are pulled from the deck depending upon the situation and then they are interpreted by the Tarot card reader.

Sources of knowledge

Many readers have different perception as to where their ideas come from. For many psychics and magical practitioners, the power is within the each of us to tap into “universal mind” or “universal consciousness”. They simply act as a medium for the enquirer to trigger that connection and get messages. And many credit the influence of gods or of supernatural beings to place the cards in a meaningful order to draw conclusion.

Some readers abstain from explanation altogether, acknowledging that they do have the complete understanding of how the specifics work but yet understanding that it does work. But on the other hand an expert Tarot card reader properly reads the cards and gives proper explanation to it.

Power of Cards

Few readers suggest that anyone could just pick Tarot cards and could start producing meaningful predictions out of it. Many say that the cards just act as a visual aid for the reader and that card have no power.

On the other hand many believe that there is some power in the cards that accentuates the reader’s talent, which is why many readers work only with their own decks.


It is a method which a Tarot card reader does in which he/she physically spreads out cards in some specific manner and then interprets meaning for the enquirer. Not only are there many Tarot card decks, but there are also many types of spreads used by Tarot card readers. For eg. The very popular Celtic Cross spread does not follow one standardized spread.

The basic cross and column diagram is the same but the in which it is card positions differs greatly. Celtic Cross spread if learnt properly can tell the reader all about enquirer’s life in the last 2 years and over the next 3 years without much inputs from the enquirer.

Types of Spreads

Learning Tarot cards reading

Is it easy to learn to read Tarot cards? Well yes, it is very easy to learn Tarot card reading. People nowadays are learning Tarot card reading for their own growth and to make better informed decisions in the future. It helps many as it gives them a direction on how to make their move in the future and it gives them renewed hope.

Are you interested in learning Tarot card reading? One can easily find many Tarot card readers in Gurgaon. To name a credible one- Tarot, Reiki, Angel and Crystal expert, Ms. Garima Goyal, she started with Reiki in 2004 which was followed by Tarot Card reading.

A prior appointment is necessary to meet her. She also teaches Tarot cards for self use as well as professional practice if one has an interest in learning. She also teaches how to counsel the enquirer and suggest solutions. Learn Tarot card reading in Gurgaon from Ms. Garima Goyal in a fun and interesting way.