Self Evolution
What is the purpose of your life? What should one do to feel fulfilled and successful? You must have pondered over these questions a zillion times without returning answers. The questions are genuine and so must be the answers. Let’s delve a little deeper into this quest. Scientifically, life evolved just like that and the […]

Reasons for responsible for all kind of Emotional Hurt/ imbalance and how to cure them
The current times are very tough for all of us. The pandemic and the loss of normal feeling of life is not helping any one. The loneliness is getting deeper and tougher for quite a few of us to handle. There are jobs lost, relationships broken, depression getting the better of us. Lets delve into […]

How Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) helps to accept change and respond?
Change is the only inevitable and stable phenomenon in the world. Mostly we humans do not easily accept the change around us and automatically make things tougher for ourselves. When we do not accept a situation for what it is then we make it tougher for us to bring any remarkable change in the situation. […]

Angels have a plan- “The 2020 COVID Break”
COVID Break– all of us are on a break that we never dreamt in the wildest of our dreams. Every activity and everyone has come to a standstill. All the hustle and bustle of life is becoming redundant and slowly we are back to basics. If the day goes through with food on your table […]

What to expect from a Tarot card reading and what not to?
Sitting on a coffee table with a friend and you notice something unusual. Never seen your friend before with a strange deck of cards and this makes you wonder what they were for? 99% of the chances are they were Tarot cards. Tarot Cards is an interesting and thrilling way to get an extrasensory insight.

5 Reasons to go in for a Tarot Card Reading
Who does not wish to know that what does the future holds for us. We always go for options like fortune telling, palmistry and many more of the same sort. While we go for such options we miss out on an extraordinary method which is; ‘tarot card reading’, a tarot card reading is an insight on all three realms of time, the past, the present and the future.

How to use Healing Crystals
Crystal healing is a alternate healing technique which uses stones and crystals which are believed to have healing powers. The crystals have an impact on the entire body and energy field. There are variety of crystal stones that facilitate the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual exploration and healing. As the availability of these healing crystals has become common, more and more people are using them to improve their spirituality and health.

Is it easy to learn to read Tarot Cards?
Divination has many forms and one of them is Tarot card reading. It predicts outcomes to events, decisions and problems and assesses influences surrounding a person, an event or both of them. Taromancy is the official term used for Tarot reading (forecast through the use of Tarot cards), which is a sub part of cartomancy (forecast through cards in general.